• Always Be in the Middle of Everything

    The time has come,

    the clouds that once gathered and then dispersed

    My beloved, even your existence is only the moment

    when it gathers and disperses

    The time has come,

    once my body burns bright red, and finally,

    it is a petal that erases the color of a flower and falls.

    Beloved, be in the moment of burning and falling.

    As the time passes,

    the excitement of the radiant color on the cheeks,

    the shaking of life on the transparent green leaves met by the sunlight!

    In the end, both excitement and shaking should subside into calm

    My beloved, be like the moment

    when you enter the silence of extinction after being excited and shaken

    My beloved, who has no sense of coming and going

    Always be in the middle of everything

    There will only bloom in the deep silence in your smile

    Always be in the middle of everything / Prajna Y

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