With an unfamiliar gaze!
It's like hearing it for the first time!
Doubts arise from the cave of the mind.
I interpreted it my way!
What I have discerned with my words and philosophy!
I dream that if I open a window that is firmly closed,
I will definitely see it.
As originally equipped
Even if I don't try my best, I can see it by itself
I can hear it automatically without even trying
I will know all of them on my own...
Oh oh! Heart of knowing nature!
As it was originally, the truth of its purity is to be revealed,
I'll go back there...
As it was originally / Prajna Y
낯선 視線으로
생전 처음 들은 시선인 양
자꾸만 내 마음의 동굴 속 疑問이 생겨난다.
나의 方式대로 해석한 바
나의 말과 글로 分別한 바
굳세게 닫혀 있는 창문만 열리면
확연히 보이리라는 꿈을 꾸고 또 꾼다.
저절로 갖추어져 있음에
저절로 보이고
저절로 들리며
저절로 알게 될지니...
아는 마음이여!
그 淸淨함이여!
그곳으로 돌아가리니...
저절로 알게 될지니... / 프라즈냐