• Door to ‘Myself’

    There is a door that opens only to those who will embrace flowers in the first heart.

    As she gazes, poems resound from the chimes that the wind has shaken in the sky.

    The blue and white stone of the temple she stepped on emanates the scent of borderless religion.

    Under the tree of long silence where she sits, the seeker's song calling on the gods is carried in a stringless sound.

    As her flower-bearing breasts swelled, her name itself became an immortal poem.

    The day I return to my place after leaving the wandering of a long journey,

    The door opened to her!

    In the end, it was the door to ‘myself’ that was constantly being created.

    Door to ‘myself’ / Prajna Yun

  • ‘나’자신에게로의 門

    꽃을 품은 사람들에게만 열리는 門이 있다

    그녀가 바라본 하늘 바람이 흔들어 놓은 風景에서는

    詩가 울려나온다

    그녀가 디딘 寺院의 푸르고 하얀 섬돌에서는

    境界없는 宗敎의 香氣가 풍겨나온다

    그녀가 앉은 沈默의 나무 아래에서는

    神을 부르는 求道者의 노래가 絃없는 소리에 실린다

    꽃 품은 가슴 부풀어 올라

    그녀의 이름자체는 詩가 되었다

    放浪을 떠나 제자리로 돌아오는 날

    그녀가 열어젖힌 門은

    결국 生成되어가는 ‘나’자신에게로의 門이었다

    ‘나’자신에게로의 門 / 프라즈냐