• He Was Right

    The Thousand and One Nights was not their own enchanting mystery,

    but it was also the story of my beautiful mystery!

    A covenant made in one night will pass through a thousand days and continue into eternity...

    Even if you live for eternity, how can you forget the mysterious feeling of being trapped

    in the closed eyes without daring to know!

    By looking with a deep gaze, more is seen

    The more it is heard by attentive listening

    The more my soul is opened by opening wider

    The deeper into the abyss, the more my whole being is immersed by immersion

    Condensed immersion that gradually falls like a swamp with no interlude to hang around!

    The love of the moment it calls into my heart will become truth!

    The whole body is burning fiercely,

    Even my whole soul is deeply immersed in something

    Losing the very existence of body and soul

    Tonight I knew for the first time that he was right

    when he said that only the moment I can pour my whole life into is the true truth.

    He was right / Prajna Yun

  • 그의 말이 옳았음을

    천일야화(千一夜話)는 그들만의 신비(神祕)가 아니라

    나의 신비(神祕)의 이야기이기도 하였지!

    하룻밤 맺은 언약(言約) 천일을 지나 영원(永遠)으로 이어지리니...

    영원(永遠)을 산다하여도 감히 알지 못한 채

    감아버린 눈 속에 갇혀버린 그 신비(神祕)를 어찌 잊는단 말인가!

    바라봄에 보여질수록

    들음에 들려질수록

    열음에 열려질수록

    담금에 담겨질수록

    서성거릴 막간(幕間)도 없이 늪처럼 점점이 빠져드는

    응축(凝縮)된 몰입(沒入)이 불러오는

    순간의 사랑은 진리(眞理)가 되리니!

    온 몸이 활활 불타오르고

    온 영혼마저 그 무언가에 폭 잠기어

    몸과 영혼의 존재 자체를 잃어버리는,

    내 전부를 쏟아 부을 수 있는

    바로 그 순간만이

    진정한 진리라 이르는 그의 말이 옳았음을

    오늘 밤에야 난 처음 알았네

    그의 말이 옳았음을 / 프라즈냐