He never left his hometown after he was born.
It must be because he has eyes that embrace infinity.
He left, but always his departure was for a return
As he believed, it was because he knew that the direction of love was devotion to the lover he had in his heart.
He sang the infinity of love even in prison, where he slept on a stone pillow and dreamed of the universe.
Because he was originally the one who escaped from the prison of his own mind.
He built a beautiful home for eternal souls even in the desert.
For he held the whole universe in his arms with a contemplative soul.
I hold him infinitely in the arms of my soul
The direction of love was devotion to the lover/ Prajna Yun
그는 태어난 후 한 번도 故鄕 마을을 떠난 적이 없다했다
無限을 품은 가슴을 지녔기 때문이다
그는 떠났으나 언제나 그의 떠남은 돌아옴을 위한 것이었다
사랑의 方向은
마음에 품은 님에
魂을 다하는 獻身이라는 것을 알았기 때문이다
그는 돌을 베고 宇宙를 꿈꾸는 監獄에서도 無限을 노래했다
본디 마음의 監獄을 脫獄한 자유인이었기 때문이다
그는 사막에서도 永遠한 靈魂의 집을 지었다
觀照하는 靈魂으로 온 宇宙를 그의 품에 안았기 때문이다
난 그런 그를 내 품에 無限히 품는다
魂을 다하는 獻身 / 프라즈냐