• To Be Everything

    I brought his green watch

    But I couldn't bring his time.

    I stayed in his space and time

    But I couldn't stay in the cave in his heart.

    I meditated deeply in his little sanctuary

    But I did not exist as the sanctuary of his all.

    To be everything

    even the smallest things

    standing at the center

    and with one earnest heart soaking up all of my life.

    To be everything / Prajna Y

  • 모든 것이 되기 위해

    그의 녹색 줄 時計를 가져왔지만

    그의 時間은 가져올 수 없었다

    그의 空間과 時間 속에 머물렀지만

    그의 마음속 동굴에 머물지 못했다.

    그의 작은 聖域에서 깊은 瞑想에 잠겼지만

    그의 전부의 聖域으로 存在하지 못했다.

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