• What Is Becoming and What Has Become

    Poetry is poetry only when it becomes poetry

    It is the mind only when the mind becomes the mind.

    A soul is a soul only when it becomes a soul...

    What is becoming and what has become

    All of them become ‘it’ as it is in truth.

    When it really doesn't

    A single flower floating in the air of an illusion becomes a flower of an illusion!

    A flower in the air that blooms in illusion

    It's a poem with nothing going on

    It is a mind that has no becoming

    It is a soul without being.

    And so am I without becoming!

    Where is the true me?

    What is becoming and what has become / Prajna

  • 되어간다는 것과 된다는 것

    詩는 詩가 될 때 비로소 詩이고

    마음은 마음이 될 때 비로소 마음이며

    靈魂은 靈魂이 될 때 비로소 靈魂이리니...

    되어간다는 것과 된다는 것

    그 모두 眞理 그대로 ‘그것’이 된다는 것이니

    진정 ‘그것’이 되지 않을 때

    마냥 虛空 중에 떠도는 한 송이 꽃이 되나니

    虛想으로 핀 虛空의 꽃은

    됨이 없는 詩이고

    됨이 없는 마음이며

    됨이 없는 靈魂이다.

    그리고 됨이 없는 나도 그렇다

    ‘나’는 어디에!

    되어간다는 것과 된다는 것 / 프라즈냐