• You Who Embraced Me as a Mirror

    In the arms of a mother with a child

    The milky scent took root in the source of life

    In the clouds that embrace the rain

    The reincarnation of gray life awakened the whole world

    In her soul that embraces flowers

    The sublime wind dance of the petals conceived the seeds

    The vast universe embracing the moon monolized

    'nothing' with a red shadow in the silence

    You who embraced me as a mirror!

    Where will you take me!

    You who embraced me as a mirror / Prajna Yun

  • 나를 거울로 품은 그대

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    나를 거울로 품은 그대!

    어데로 날 데려갈 것인가!

    나를 거울로 품은 그대 / 프라즈냐